Saturday, November 2, 2024



On this occasion we want to share with you the best ideas and designs for 3-story house plans, since previously or normally we shared plans and ideas for houses with one or two floors maximum. Today, 3-story houses have become very popular, I assure you that more than one of the designs will surprise you and you would certainly like to try them… We will see: Facades of 3-story houses, Plans of 3-story houses, Distribution of three-story houses, Interior design of 3-story houses, Styles for three-story houses, Design of garages for three-story houses, among many more ideas that you will love. 

3 story house plans

Without a doubt, the construction of all these 3-story house plans proposes something extremely interesting. Which, to begin with, is out of the ordinary and can truly help you achieve a most original home design. Personally, I love all these ideas, because they propose something new and risky at the same time. But if you work on it hand in hand with experts, I assure you that the design will remain as you have always imagined and, above all, it will look the most beautiful. Since being realistic in the design or construction of a house, not only is it sought to achieve a beautiful design, but also to have everything we have always wanted.

3 story house plans

You can rely on all the examples of 3-story house plans, which you will see throughout the topic. Pay attention to them, I assure you that all the options will have details or points that if you put them into practice in the design of your house. You will be able to give it an appearance that is not only original but also functional.

3 story house plans
3 story house plans


  • 1 Facades of 3-story houses
  • 2 Plans of 3-story houses
  • 3 Distribution of three-story houses
  • 4 Interior design of 3-story houses
  • 5 Styles for three-story houses
  • 6 Design of garages for three-story houses

Facades of 3-story houses

We are going to start this complete topic on 3-story house plans, talking to you in broad strokes about some of the best options you have when considering 3-story house facades. Since the three-story houses are designed to promote family life more comfortably… The transparency provided by the windows defines the environments, where the gardens of the house are part of the design to live together in sight, as a transition and  enjoyment Of the inhabitants.

Facades of 3-story houses
Facades of 3-story houses

But not only that, but with these facades of 3-story houses you will give a better dimension to your house in general, but above all you will favor it in terms of distribution. Since the distribution is everything and depending on it is how you are going to make it work for you and the rest of your family, so consider each of the options that you will see below. Other elements that you should consider in the facades of 3-story houses are the color and the materials that will predominate.

Facades of 3-story houses
Facades of 3-story houses

As for the colors for the facades of 3-story houses, we highly recommend light colors. Since these will not only make the design look much cleaner and neater in general. But they are also colors that look good with whatever. Also the materials that we see that predominate in these facades are concrete, cement, for different types of views, etc. In addition, wood, blacksmithing and different types of coatings that will make a big difference in your space.

Facades of 3-story houses
Facades of 3-story houses

3 story house plans

Below we are going to share the best 3-story house plans, which, as you can see in the images, will be of great help for you to choose the best distribution for your house. The plans are also perfect to determine each of the details and elements that will be part of the design of your house in general. From the cost, the choice of materials, the measurements, the arrangement of each of the areas, what are you going to add and what are you going to remove, etc. It is the first step you should take, before starting to build.

3 story house plans
3 story house plans

In addition to the fact that in these 3-story house plans, you will see different elements that are not noticeable at first glance in an already finished house. Rather, that is what the plans are for so that everything is established from the beginning before doing the construction. We recommend that you work on these plans hand in hand with an architect, this will ensure a quality job. In addition to also working with a construction company so that all the details are as you wished.

3 story house plans
3 story house plans

Distribution of three-story houses

Continuing with the best about 3-story house plans, we want to share with you different distribution ideas for three-story houses. Because, as you may have seen in the introduction to the topic, distribution is one of the keys to making your house look like you’ve always wanted. But maybe we don’t turn our house into a multifunctional space. Since the distribution of houses is super important, it is how we divide each space in the house, from the entrance, how we are going to accommodate the living room, if you opt for open spaces, etc.

Distribution of three-story houses
Distribution of three-story houses

If you have no idea how to distribute your spaces, you can rely on all these recommendations for the distribution of three-story houses that we found to share with you. The distribution of a house will not only help you to make all the details stand out much better, but it will help you make the most of the space you have in your home. Adapting custom furniture and accessories that help you make better use of the space can be the perfect complements.

Distribution of three-story houses
Distribution of three-story houses

So give each of the details that you will see below a chance.

Distribution of three-story houses
Distribution of three-story houses

Interior design of 3-story houses

Almost to finish with all these proposals for 3-story house plans, we want to share some interior design proposals for 3-story houses. And it is that just like the exterior of a house, its interior is another of the most important elements that you can use to get the house of your dreams. The interiors can be complemented in different ways, mainly with the distribution that you have given to your house since construction. You can allocate each of the plants for a particular purpose.

Interior design of 3-story houses
Interior design of 3-story houses

Whether the interior design of 3-story houses, you can achieve it by using the first floor for the common areas, or for entertainment areas. A room for visitors, a movie area, a bar, the garage, the patio, etc. So I invite you to look in detail at the many ideas to improve the interior design of your home, especially if you have opted for a three-story home. I assure you that you will love the result!

Interior design of 3-story houses
Interior design of 3-story houses

Styles for three-story houses

Now it’s our turn to talk to you about the different styles for three-story houses, with which you can design the house of your dreams. Since not everything is about considering plans for 3-story houses and their distribution. But you have to consider practically from the smallest detail that can help you get the house of your dreams. Some of the most popular styles to try to get in your house, you can consider the classic style, the traditional style which are some that will never go out of style.

Styles for three-story houses
Styles for three-story houses

While if you are looking for proposals for styles for much more current three-story houses. We suggest you consider the style of interior or facade decoration, modern, contemporary, minimalist house styles, etc.

Styles for three-story houses
Styles for three-story houses

Design of garages for three-story houses

We finish this complete topic on 3-story house plans, talking about different garage design options for three-story houses. Since the garages are not only a space that will help us protect our cars. But today the garages go a little further and are an essential part of the design of our house.

Design of garages for three-story houses
Design of garages for three-story houses

You can opt for materials, colors, finishes and design in general that complements the rest of our house. Get inspired by all these garage design ideas for three-story houses, in which you can be inspired to achieve the house you have always wanted.

Design of garages for three-story houses
Design of garages for three-story houses

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