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Home > Pregnancy Tips > Going on a trip when you are pregnant? Here are a few tips !

Going on a trip when you are pregnant? Here are a few tips !

Going on a trip when you are pregnant? Here are a few tips !

Can you still go on a trip when you are pregnant Going on a trip when you are pregnant? Here are a few tips !  This is a question that many women ask themselves. No worries for most pregnant women, but some extra prep work is required. We’ve listed the do’s and don’ts below so you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind.

Going on a trip when you are pregnant? Here are a few tips !


Going on a trip when you are pregnant Here are a few tips

It is advisable to plan your trip during the second trimester of your pregnancy (14 – 27 weeks). By this time, your body will already be used to being pregnant, and you will finally be rid of unpleasant morning sickness. Air travel in the third trimester requires caution. From 36 weeks, the airlines no longer allow you to fly, so it is better to postpone your trip.


Discuss your travel plans with your GP or gynecologist. Traveling is no problem for most pregnant women. Your doctor will inform you of any objections.
Do not take (travel) medication without first consulting your doctor.
He will also be able to tell you about the (distant) countries where the risk of infection is highest.


It is important to be well prepared for a trip, especially if you are expecting a baby. Are you traveling by plane ? Reserve a place with extra legroom (if possible not too far from the toilet). Schedule regular breaks to stretch your legs both during a flight and during a car ride to improve blood circulation. Drink and eat regularly.

If you want to travel by plane, check with the airline beforehand about the specific rules. Some companies ask for a medical certificate attesting that there is no medical objection to flying from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Make sure you have enough rest periods during your vacation and avoid activities that are too risky (eg diving).

Inform your gynecologist before leaving. He or she knows your personal situation and can also give you the best advice. Always bring your medical information and contact details for your gynecologist with you. A well-informed woman is worth two!


Nothing is more pleasant than enjoying the sun for a few hours at the beach. But when you’re pregnant, your skin is often more sensitive, burns more easily, and dries out faster. Also avoid overheating or becoming dehydrated.

Apply sunscreen (high protection factor), provide additional protection (a parasol, a scarf, …), stay out of the sun during the hottest hours and keep a bottle of water within easy reach. hand !


It is not recommended to drink untreated water or spring water, as it may be contaminated or contain harmful substances. In countries where you are not sure that tap water is well purified, it is best to drink only bottled water (also for brushing your teeth). 
Strictly follow nutritional guidelines. When traveling, you cannot be sure that vegetables, fruits and spices have been washed properly or that all utensils used to process meat and vegetables have been washed well. That is why it is better to choose well-cooked vegetables and meat. Dishes based on raw eggs are also not recommended.


A trip to an exotic country can look like the perfect relaxation vacation. But it is still better to plan a vacation a little closer during your pregnancy. You will be able to return quickly in case of emergency, and you will have less risk of catching tropical diseases. Avoid travel to areas where malaria, yellow fever or Zika virus are common if you are pregnant or wish to become pregnant. And then, in the end, Europe has enough to offer to escape!

In short: traveling during your pregnancy? Whether you take the plane, the car, the train or the boat, go ahead and enjoy!

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