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The combination of gray with others in the interior – 5 modern apartments

Gray is one of the most commonly used interior colors. It has become a favorite option for homeowners and designers alike. To find out what shades of gray are combined in the interior, look at the interior design ideas presented to you, which belong to Andrey Voskolovich. These projects look stylish and comfortable, and thanks to the use of various elements, the designer managed to avoid excessive minimalism in the interior.

Ideas for combining colors in the interior with gray

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray color in the interior is an ideal basis for color accents. This is the very sophistication, elegance and some understatement. The contrast of this color will allow you to match the color scheme to your apartment or house with enough possible variations. Gray tones are perfect for any corner of the house and will go well with other bright colors.

The combination of gray-blue color in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior


combination of gray with others in the interior

It is impossible to forget about the small details of the interior, because they give the room a sense of completeness. The beauty of the interior is revealed in the details.

Gray color in the interior of the bedroom

combination of gray with others in the interior

The main task when planning an interior in gray is to use the shade in such a way that the room becomes lively and cozy. In this case, the combination of gray and turquoise in the bedroom makes it airy and elegant. Turquoise textiles refresh the interior and perfectly set off all colors.

The combination of gray with other interior colors

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom looks very elegant

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

Stylish and modern bathroom in white and gray

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray color in the interior of the living room

combination of gray with others in the interior

Naturally neutral color gives you the opportunity to endlessly experiment with accessories and decor. It’s also a good idea to combine different shades of gray.

For the kitchen, gray is the most unusual color. But it will be perfectly complemented by silver household appliances: a microwave oven, a refrigerator or an extractor hood. In the interior of a gray kitchen, individual elements of bright colors will look great. For example, it can be paintings with flowers. Thanks to this combination of colors, you will get an incredible contrast.

The combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen: gray, beige and black

combination of gray with others in the interior


The combination of gray and beige in the interior of the kitchen

combination of gray with others in the interior

Photo: bedroom interior in gray – the perfect balance between tranquility and style

combination of gray with others in the interior


combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray color in the interior of a small bathroom

combination of gray with others in the interior

Room layout and furniture layout

combination of gray with others in the interior

Yellow accents will fill the gray interior with joy and warmth of the sun.

combination of gray with others in the interior

What colors are combined with gray in the interior and what is the secret of the attractiveness of this color? First of all, it depends on the purpose of the room. For example, in the kitchen, gray will not look very comfortable. This can be corrected with warm shades that soften the cold color.

Shades of gray can be played with in a variety of ways. Combinations such as gray-blue, gray-yellow or gray-beige will help to move away from the impassive cold range. In general, there is no such color that would be contraindicated for the interior in combination with gray. You can experiment and dilute the gray color with orange, red, purple and any other bright shades.

Gray walls in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior


combination of gray with others in the interior

Glowing inscription creates a unique mood in the kitchen

combination of gray with others in the interior

The combination of colors in the interior of the gray kitchen

combination of gray with others in the interior

The abundance of sunlight gives this bedroom a special appeal.

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

The combination of gray with other interior colors

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

Minimalist bathroom design

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray floor in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

The combination of gray with other colors of the palette that make the living room brighter and more interesting

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray is an excellent base for juicy rich accents. Use orange, yellow or crimson to bring life and vibrancy to your home.

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

Gray-beige color in the interior of the living room

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

An example of a combination of colors with gray in the interior of a bedroom

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

If you prefer minimalism, pay attention to the design of this apartment. The wall painted in dark gray (anthracite) looks very impressive. With the right distribution of shades, you will be able to create a calm atmosphere in the room. Also, do not forget about bright accessories: lamps, pillows or curtains.

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

Photo: gray kitchen in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

combination of gray with others in the interior

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